Dear Readers, you have a demanding job. You continuously worry about a million and one things. The coronavirus has exacerbated your heightened sense of insecurity you were already wrestling with for many reasons. Against this sad backdrop, what can you accomplish anything productive in the evenings?
At the end of a long day, are you too tired to do anything other than scroll and drool over Instagram posts? Are draining work-related thoughts polluting your mind, making it impossible to be at peace? Who can live like this? Where is the work-life balance you’ve been craving?
Keep reading to find out how much more meaningful your life would be when you work full-time.
Dear Readers, this blog insists that you should not waste away evening chunks simply because your minds have checked out for the day. Instead, think of them as the self-care mecca for the peace of mind you need to design the life you want outside of work! Consequently, this blog invites you to implement finishing blocks that will help you discover balance, inner peace, and an appreciation for your journey thus far every single night.
Related: Find out more about evening chunks and finishing blocks in Blogmas 2020 Day Eight – A Weekly Plan Is The Best Way To Increase Productivity And Crush Your Goals In 2021 (The Full-Time Employee Edition).
In concrete terms, Dear Readers, what are you supposed to do to achieve balance? Does it mean that you need yet another routine? Yes, in the sense that you want to have a predetermined roadmap loosely formulated beforehand to eliminate decision fatigue. Indeed, whatever little energy you have left should be channeled for something constructive!
Related: Find out how to organize morning chunks to increase overall weekly productivity check out Blogmas 2020 Day Nine – Learn To Master The Morning Chunk To Double Your Weekly Productivity In 2021 (The Full-Time Employee Edition).
So, Dear Readers, let’s get back to evening chunks. When working with clients, the JMS team makes sure to reserve finishing blocks for the evening. Indeed, since most clients come to JMS because they are wrestling with a significant crisis, they appear to be living in an anxious state borderline depressive state.
Millions of thoughts per minute are harassing their minds nonstop, and quite frankly, they are always so very exhausted. To avoid premature stress-induced quadruple bypasses, the JMS team works hard to help clients focus on developing a robust self-care practice that resides in the hours before going to bed so that they can more easily get some rest at last!
But, Dear Readers, this blog understands that not everyone can dedicate time daily for finishing blocks.
For instance, a JMS client works night shifts at a hospital here in Philadelphia and hasn’t had a moment of respite since the beginning of the pandemic! She certainly does not have the luxury to have free evenings to do anything! But guess what, she needs self-care as much as the rest of us, if not more. How can she find the stamina to maintain such a manic work schedule unless she takes good care of herself?
Consequently, the JMS team migrated her building blocks to the weekend.
She rotates between two finishing blocks: painting and baking. Every Saturday, she takes the day off to either work on a painting or learning a new baking technique. Lockdown did not slow her down one bit. Her painting instructor began offering virtual classes this summer, and the JMS team helped her set up an online community to exchange ideas and keep in touch during this difficult time. As for baking, she does not need to interact with anyone. She revels in the extended moments of silence her sessions provide. Currently, she is working on breadmaking and loving it. It’s a long and tedious affair, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.
So, Dear Readers, if you cannot do it every night, move all finishing blocks to weekends! You may not be able to give up an entire day as our health care hero has chosen to do, but you can give yourself a couple of hours to do whatever you need to protect your mental health and avoid burnouts!
Related: Practical Self-Care Guide To Stay Happy And Find The Motivation To Crush Goals (Even In A Pandemic)!
Your priorities, Dear Readers, are likely to be vastly different from that of our JMS clients. Your constraints will put pressure on your time management skills in a way that differs from what JMS clients have to face. However, Dear Readers, you too can achieve everything you want. With sacrifice, focus, and a few strategic choices, you will see your productivity increase exponentially outside of work.
Final thoughts.
There you have it, Dear Readers! Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today! Has this blog convinced you that purpose, balance, and productivity are within your reach even while putting in 40 hours at your job? Which finishing blocks are you introducing to give your life more meaning and crush your goals in 2021? Did we miss anything? Drop us a line below in the comment section or at
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