Dear Readers, how overworked are you feeling right about now? Is working from home more demanding timewise than when you were commuting to the office? Or are you working longer hours more than ever to achieve the lofty goals that your supervisor has imposed on the team without accounting for the disruptive changes that the coronavirus has ushered in this year?
Are your efforts and sacrifices even making a dent when everything is said and done? Or do you believe that invisible forces have rigged the system against you? No wonder you’ve been feeling irritable and have not gotten a good night’s sleep in who knows how long! While work is not likely to change anytime soon, Dear Readers, this blog insists that the rest of your lives can improve vastly.
Keep reading to find out how to bring balance and purpose in 2021 by introducing the right foundational block in your soul-feeding chunk.
So, Dear Readers, what do you do to feed your soul at the end of the workday in lockdown? How can you find balance when you’ve been working from home since the beginning of the pandemic and found out that it’s not your cup of tea? Do you spend the evening vegging on the couch in front of the TV or mechanically go through the motions of eating the same old tired dinner? Are you partaking in a cleaning spree or small organization projects around the house to avoid thinking about how overworked and exasperated you are with the sad state of your life? Who wants to live in such uninspiring conditions? Nobody! Dear Readers, it’s time to shake things up for 2021, shall we?
Dear Readers, to counteract such a negative vibe, this blog invites you to shift your perspective and look at the soul-feeding chunk as the opportunity to invest in foundational blocks. The JMS team insists that clients make such blocks revolve around what matters most and is likely to feed their souls. So, they have the energy to keep going when life gets tough. As it certainly did in 2020, thanks to the coronavirus.
Related: Find out more about soul-feeding chunks and foundational blocks in Blogmas 2020 Day Eight – A Weekly Plan Is The Best Way To Increase Productivity And Crush Your Goals In 2021 (The Full-Time Employee Edition).
Some will choose to participate in afterschool activities with their kids. Others prefer to reserve this time to spend with loved ones (e.g., dinner with friends, significant others, family members). Many more will choose to donate their time to charitable organizations and contribute to making their communities as vibrant as possible. Still, others have to invest in themselves dues to personal/financial constraints and therefore choose this time to work their second job or complete professional continuing education requirements.
This year, we’ve seen that life is unpredictable and can get very complicated without any notice! But, Dear Readers, remember that hardships do not last forever. And life is too short to waste time living someone else’s! So, as you navigate this crazy thing called life, do not let work consume you to the point of neglecting the other aspects of your lives that are supposed to bring you more joy and balance.

Since our marathoner has a very strict bedtime to feel rested for rigorous morning workouts, he chose to make his soul-feeding chunk all about the family. Given that he no longer has to commute since he works from home, he tries to wrap up his day at 7 pm. His wife and the children also had to adjust to the new world of remote learning. Consequently, the family decided to move the dinnertime to 8:15 pm so that every member can participate in the cooking duties.
Related: To learn more about this JMS client and find out if you can emulate his will to achieve, check out Blogmas 2020 Day Nine – Learn To Master The Morning Chunk To Double Your Weekly Productivity In 2021 (The Full-Time Employee Edition).
Since family time is the foundational block of our marathoner, a new rule is that the soul-feeding chunk must be a media and technology-free zone. Accordingly, he did not want anything to take his attention away from his family. The JMS team suggested that he adds a family activity to do after dinner so that the bond between each family member grows stronger even as the global pandemic is furiously raging across the nation. Thus, the family adopted the habit to play a board game after dinner until about 10 pm, at which time our marathoner heads to bed for his early morning wake-up call.
Did you notice, Dear Readers, that he chose to scrap the evening chunk altogether as training always takes precedent? However, in the final installment of the series, you will see how the JMS team created a space for his finishing blocks on the weekend!
Related: To learn the difference between the soul-feeding chunk versus the evening one, refer to Blogmas 2020 Day Eight – A Weekly Plan Is The Best Way To Increase Productivity And Crush Your Goals In 2021 (The Full-Time Employee Edition).
As you see, Dear Readers, this JMS client has made some sacrifices to have a fuller, more meaningful lives outside of work. He is no longer on social media. TV and friends are for to weekends only…. No exceptions! By centering his week around his family, he has found more balance, joy, and purpose at last. How about that, Dear Readers? Do you know a better way to feel UNSTOPPABLE?
Final thoughts.
There you have it, Dear Readers! Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today! Do you now believe that you can have it all despite holding down a full-time job? Of course, there is one more crucial element to discuss. You’ll have to come back tomorrow to find out how your finishing blocks can pack a punch to your weeklies! Drop us a line below in the comment section or at jms@branding24seven.com if you agree!
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