Welcome to #Blogmas2021 day six! Dear Readers, today is about not letting self-sabotage hold you back. We cannot have an honest conversation about goals and what it takes to achieve them without talking about self-sabotage. Keep reading to learn how to stop fears from controlling your life and achieve your goals in 2022.
Welcome to new and returning readers to the Branding24Seven community!
As the brainchild of JMStrategy LLC (JMS), a boutique consulting firm that offers strategic solutions to strengthen your brand, this blog is the place to find the answers to your most burning branding questions. Now, let’s get to the crux of the matter and identify how self-sabotage, when left unchecked, will prevent you from achieving new heights of success in 2022.
Self-sabotage holds you back because it’s the enemy of productivity.
Dramatic much? Not at all, Dear Readers! Think about it. How many times have you let fear stop you from achieving your goals? Can we agree that fear is a terrible advisor? You end up procrastinating for what feels like forever, only to realize that you were mistaken. You could have achieved your goal sooner had you chosen a different strategy! Dear Readers, today is the day to decide to stop letting fears control your life and put together a robust game plan to crush your goals in 2022.
So, Dear Readers, what can you do? You want to build a framework around your approach to change. Notice Dear Readers, the JMS team suggests focusing on change rather than fear. That’s because fear creeps in as soon as we get a whiff that change is coming. Thus, when we learn the tools to face change, we can overcome fear with minimal disruption to daily living and stop self-sabotage dead in its tracks.
You know what they say, Dear Readers. Change is the only constant in life. Therefore, if you can control how you react to change, you can be a productivity powerhouse and crush your goals. Do you agree? Please leave us a comment below or email us at jms@branding24seven.com.
Don’t let self-sabotage hold you back by dialing into what motivates you instead.
Dear Readers, we are all wired differently. What fuels our motivation, therefore, also will vary. Some of us are motivated by focusing on winning a prize. But many more are prefer focusing on avoiding pain. Whatever stimulates your neurons, Dear Readers, double on that and go for the goal. This blog is not telling you to copy what works for others. Not at all. This blog wants you to uncover your stimuli and lean into them to propel you closer to achieving your goals.
Remember, Dear Readers, remain true to who you are, and you will succeed. Copying only works in the short run, if that. But, if you are interested in building a long-term strategy, you must tap into your true nature. Thus, this blog invites you to reframe your approach to productivity around what motivates you and don’t look back! You got this, Dear Readers!
Plan. Do. Assess. Rinse. Repeat.
The JMS team hears time and time again clients squeamishly complain that taking any risk is too frightening. Again, this blog gets it. Life is often unpredictable. We will win some battles but lose some. So, Dear Readers, you might want to ask yourself how much longer will you wait before going after your dreams? What is the cost of deferring your goals? Are you ready to settle for the miserable journey you’ve been on so far? Or do you want to risk it all if only to achieve the life of your dreams?!! Isn’t it worth risking it all? That’s why this blog puts together this 12-day series to help you walk into 2022 like a boss! You are no longer letting the world pass you by why everyone on YouTube is making a killing!
The time has come for you, Dear Readers, to get everything you’ve ever wanted! So, Dear Readers, start with an honest assessment of your current professional and personal lives. Then, design a response plan to how you would like to face changes in 2022. And since nobody has a crystal ball, all you can do is start thinking of the habits that will help you sustain your level of productivity as you adapt to change and overcome any fear. Once you know the routine to cultivate in the new year, go for it until you need to assess again around March. That, Dear Readers, is how you don’t let self-sabotage hold you back in 2022!
Final thoughts to stop letting self-sabotage hold you back in 2022!
There you have it, Dear Readers! The JMS team thanks you, Dear Readers, for taking the time to read this publication. The branding24seven community is here to inspire and encourage you. Now is the time to fight for the career of your dreams, Dear Readers!
Dear Readers, we want to hear from you! What holds you back? Is it fear or lack of confidence? And what are you doing to stop letting self-sabotage hold you back in the new year? Do you find this #Blogmas2021 helpful so far? Now that yet another variant is threatening to delay the return to our “normal” lives, do you feel that today’s publication is helping you maintain a positive outlook for 2022? What did we miss? What else can this blog cover that will motivate you and help you be as successful as possible in 2022, Dear Readers?
Let us know by email at jms@branding24seven.com or by mail at JMStrategy LLC
21 S. 11th Street, 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA, 19107.
Catch up with the FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, and FIFTH installments of this walk into 2022 like a boss series for #Blogmas2021 in case you missed it.
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