In the last month, a record 22 million Americans filed for unemployment. To say that the situation is grim is the understatement of the year! Wouldn’t you say, Dear Readers? As suggested by your emails and the protests seen on TV, we are all exhausted and quite fed up with the social restrictions the government has imposed on our lives. Is this still the land of the free?
Dear Readers, this blog gets it! The frustration is definitely in the air! As a matter of fact, our collective frustration is boiling over! So how do we move forward? We’ve all heard the guidelines to reopen the economy from President Trump last week. Isn’t that a welcomed breath of fresh air, Dear Readers?
As a reminder, this blog aims to brighten your week with thoughtful mid-week good vibes. This week’s shot of motivation comes courtesy of Sam Levenson. The purpose of this week’s ray of light is to push us forward rather than look behind and rehash how miserable the last four weeks have been:
“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.”
Is any translation needed? As you know, Dear Readers, this blog is not here to tell what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Instead, the JMS team wants to encourage you in this incredible thing called life, even when everything seems unrecognizable.
To that end, Dear Readers, this week’s good vibes are your curated ray of light amid total devastation. The JMS team is aware that many of you, Dear Readers, have lost everything. Some have lost loved ones, many have lost their jobs, most have lost their supportive cocoon due to the closing of gyms, crafting stores, favorite pubs. How do we move forward with so much loss? Hence this week’s invitation to explore how to keep going, moment by moment, and day by day.
Now is not the moment to make long-term goals! Especially since our world is upside down, and our “new” normal has left our daily lives unrecognizable. In this chaos, as you feel that you’ve lost your north star, the most valuable decision you can make is to find a way to feel grounded again even as life as slow down to a crawl. Do not make life-altering decisions right now, as decisions you make in desperation are seldom the best ones!
Instead, Dear Readers, consider embracing this change no matter how brutal it has been. And remember to keep going is to prepare for the next phase of our lives, however unknown and uncertain it appears to be at the moment.
Let’s walk together toward a “different” normal. After all, America’s survival depends on us all, Dear Readers. Are you ready to join the fight to rebuild America? Let us know what you can do today, where you are, with what you’ve got down below in the comment section or by email at
Come back next Wednesday for another shot of Hump Day Motivation!
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