Wow, Dear Readers, do not beat yourselves up because you’ve made bad decisions. Everyone makes bad decisions. There is no way to avoid making mistakes. But what separates winners from losers is the mindset. Indeed, Dear Readers, with the right mindset for success, you can recover from any mistake! So, join this blog for the second installment of the JMS mindset for success series to help you get out of your mind, leave your apprehensions behind, adapt to a new normal, and become a kick-ass productivity powerhouse who takes no prisoners!
Earlier this week, this blog discussed the necessity of taking responsibility since life is unfair to be successful. The intention behind the last publication, Dear Readers, is not to discourage you. Au contraire, Dear Readers, it’s to show you how to rewire your mind so that you can crush your goals even in this pandemic. Also, given the disruptive nature of the pandemic, you might be tempted to make decisions out of sheer desperation, something that is deadly for your goals (as this blog previously explored the extent to which despair is a bad advisor, particularly in moments of crisis). The JMS team wants to see you win, Dear Readers, not harp on spilled milk you cannot save.
Consequently, the second mindset for success in a pandemic is: embracing the art of letting go!
The truth of the matter, Dear Readers, is that the pandemic has highlighted the speed at which life is changing. We all woke up one day with orders to stay home. Children had to more to virtual learning; college students lost access to their dorms and essentially became homeless. Governments imposed border controls that temporarily stopped non-essential travels across the globe grounding, thus an unprecedented 16,000 passenger jets worldwide. The world as we knew it was all but a faint memory, leaving us with interminable lockdowns that infringed on our civil liberties like no other moment in the history of our nation.
Given all of this madness, do you think that holding on to things that won’t last is conducive to success? By the way, Dear Readers, it is human nature to cling to things that are not essential to your life but provide some sense of temporary comfort. For instance, you know you have a deadline for a project to complete, and yet, you choose to procrastinate by playing video games or watching YouTube videos as a way to combat the uncontrollable onset of panic brought on by said deadline.
But, as you know, Dear Readers, such behavior is not conducive to success in the long term as it robs you of the very peace of mind and concentration you need to tackle big projects. So, rather than attaching yourself to these short-term empty indulgences, this blog invites you to cut the fat, let all things go, and focus on defining what ought to be your priorities Dear Readers. In time, as you see your goals more clearly, keep removing anything that is not conducive to achieving your priorities. The more you let go and trim the fat, Dear Readers, the more grounded and focused you will feel. Now, isn’t that the recipe for success?!!
There you have it, Dear Readers! What do you think? Do you agree? Do you like this mindset better than the first one discussed earlier this week? Did we miss anything? Share with us how you are planning to let things go this autumn and what will you be doing to fall in love all over again with your dreams and actively shape the future you want! If you’ve found this publication helpful, please share it with your friends on Facebook and LinkedIn. Comments are always welcomed below or by email at Don’t be afraid to email questions or follow up topics you would like to see this blog examine further.
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JMStrategy LLC
21 S. 11th Street, 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA, 19107.
Let’s finally get our lives together and be successful even in this pandemic, shall we? Keep fighting the good fight, Dear Readers, and come back for your weekly doses of inspiration!
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