To date, 26 million Americans have filed for unemployment. Dear Readers, are you wondering what kind of inferno is this new normal? Is this still America The Beautiful? Or has the coronavirus changed our lives forever? Can you even imagine a time when we will return to the good old days, Dear Readers?
Frustration is at an all-time high and boiling over across the country. Protestors in several states are calling for the reopening of the economy as the total death toll surpasses 50,000 as this article goes to publication. What are we to do as the stay-at-home orders turned our lives into what many of you, Dear Readers, have described as unbearable or even hell-ish living conditions?
As always, Dear Readers, this blog aims to encourage you to keep fighting for what you want with thoughtful mid-week good vibes. This week’s shot of motivation comes courtesy of Winston Churchill. The purpose of this week’s ray of light is to give us strength amid what feels like utter destruction:
“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
No, Dear Readers, this quote does not mean that you need to be productive and start chasing your dreams right this minute. How could you, especially if you are among the 26 million Americans who have lost their job?!! Instead, this blog invites you to shift your perspective away from the anxiety generating media coverage weighing you down and toward the American values of hard work with optimism that course through our veins and propel us forward no matter what is going on in the world.
Dear Readers, please remember that we are a nation of hard workers. While this COVID-19 pandemic has battered our spirits, it will not change who we are. Consequently, Dear Readers, let’s reconnect with our values and find out how to apply ourselves during these unprecedented times. Again, it is not about being productive but reconsidering the choices we’ve made thus far as well as adjusting our outlook to have the life we truly want.
Indeed, Dear Readers, many of you have sent us emails stating that the coronavirus has somehow highlighted aspects of your lives you’ve been quite unhappy with and want to change. So, this is the time to dig deeper and find your new purpose!
Dear Readers, this is how you can keep moving onward even while going through hell!
Let’s walk together toward a different normal. After all, America’s survival depends on us all, Dear Readers. Are you ready to join the fight to rebuild America? Let us know what you can do today, where you are, with what you’ve got down below in the comment section or by email at
Come back next Wednesday for another shot of Hump Day Motivation!
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