Feeling unmotivated, Dear Readers, on this Presidents’ Day? Are you telling yourself that the future is so bleak that it is not worth doing anything today? You are not alone! Feeling discouraged amid a global pandemic is expected! But you can break through this toxic thought pattern, improve your outlook instantly, and choose to make today the first day of a very successful year! Keep reading to find out how you can reset your mind to attract success in 2021!
Related article: find out how you can attract the very best that the world has into your life and manifest your thoughts into actions.
Listen, Dear Readers, don’t let the global pandemic or Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial distract you. Since beliefs impact our general attitude to life, Dear Readers, you want to maintain the most positive thoughts to attract the best outcome for your life. That’s why this blog always stresses that success first begins in your mind. So, the energy you put out to the cosmos will come back to you in the same way that a boomerang comes back to the point of origin. Don’t you want to put out positivity to manifest success this year?
So, Dear Readers, consider the following three mantras to reset your mind today and attract success in 2021:
ONE – Success is within reach because I am dedicated and determined to achieve my goal.
TWO – My good character will attract the people who want to see me achieve my goals.
THREE – I am letting go of all the negative thoughts that stop me from believing in myself and my goals.
If you are lucky enough to have the day off as the nation celebrates all the men who have served as presidents of the United States, why not spend some time defining what success looks like to you? Despite whatever you’ve heard, Dear Readers, you and only you are the architects of your life. You can achieve any goals and live a life of purpose starting today. All you need is the right mindset to attract success and a game plan!
Related article: Dear Readers, here is your guide to setting personal goals for your next action steps!
There you have it, Dear Readers! Thank you for taking the time to read today’s publication. Remember that this blog is always here to help you, Dear Readers, get a better handle of your time management, avoid behavioral inertia, and eliminate organizational or fiscal paralysis. Come back every week for practical tips to boost productivity and help you achieve the career of your dreams.
Leave a comment below and let us know if you like our three mantras to reset your mind today and attract success in 2021.
Or email us at jms@branding24seven.com to share mantras that have worked for you.
And of course, you can continue to send us the much-appreciated notes of support at JMStrategy LLC
21 S. 11th Street, 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA, 19107.
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